July 28, 2022

The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) and the RMC Research & Education Foundation are proud to release a new report titled Compilation of Acoustics Information for Concrete Construction and Other Materials. Project designers often want to take acoustic performance into consideration of their building projects, but such information had previously been scattered and difficult to find. This new report, prepared by Acentech Incorporated, provides detailed information on acoustic performance of both floor-ceiling assemblies as well as concrete walls of differing types (pan joist, flat slab, ICF, concrete metal deck, and others). It also touches on the acoustic performance of other building material types, such as precast slab, wood joist, and mass timber (CTL) and details the benefits of different types of available acoustical treatments for these systems. Finally, it provides resources for additional acoustic topics for those who may need more information on specific items.
RMC Research & Education Foundation Board Chairman Rodney Grogan of Dunn Investment Co. said, “Acoustic considerations are an important factor in multifamily housing construction decisions and provide important privacy and quality of life benefits to future tenants of those structures. This report provides data that, once again, demonstrates the value concrete brings to affordable and quality housing,” adding, “The Foundation is pleased to continue its partnership with NRMCA and the Build With Strength team to provide this resource to the building community.” NRMCA’s Scott Campbell, Senior Vice President, Structures and Codes, said, “This report, compiled by one of the country’s leading acoustical consulting firms, provides designers, owners, and contractors valuable information for producing buildings that provide an enhanced standard of living by reducing noise within the living and working spaces.”