Minister’s Awards for Transportation Innovation

The annual Minister’s Awards for Transportation Innovation recognize and celebrate individuals and organizations demonstrating transportation innovations, large or small, that pave the way toward a better, more efficient, sustainable and safer transportation system in Alberta.
We are honoured to receive the 2024 Minister’s Award for Transportation Innovation in the Environmental Innovation category for the Adaption of Portland Limestone Cements in Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors Standard Specifications for Bridge and Highway Construction. We would like to congratulate all other award recipients including the members of our leading-edge team, BURNCO, Heidelberg Materials, Lafarge, Tetra Tech, Thurber and the Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors, who successfully brought focus on sustainability in the concrete industry and reducing the carbon footprint in Alberta.
2024 Award Recipients
Design Innovation
Road Stabilization with Geocells Sturgeon County, Paradox Access Solutions, Stratum Logics
Construction Innovation
Twinning of Stoney Trail Bridge over the Bow River in NW Calgary Stantec Consulting Ltd., Flatiron Aecon Joint Venture, McElhanney, Transportation and Economic Corridors
Environmental Innovation
Adoption of Portland Limestone Cements Concrete Alberta, Burnco, Heidelberg Materials, Lafarge, Tetra Tech, Thurber, Transportation and Economic Corridors
Operational Innovation
Valleyview Airport Rehabilitation Project Town of Valleyview, Municipal District of Greenview No.16
Transit/Accessible Transportation Innovation
Smoky River Transportation Program Town of Falher, Village of Donnelly, Village of Girouxville, Village of McLennan, Family and Children Social Services, Municipal District of Smokey River