Why should your drivers be CDP certified?
The CDP Certification provides an industry standard recognized across the country by all national, provincial and regional ready-mixed concrete associations. Once the driver successfully completes the certification program, the driver receives a wallet card and certificate attesting to their certification which is valid for 5 years upon issuance.
The CDP training is recognized by regulatory auditing authorities as forming a vital part of your employee skills development process that supports your firm’s adherence to the federal, provincial and local acts and regulations.
The Concrete Delivery Professional Program includes course modules specific to:
- Safety
- Environment
- Vehicle Operations and Maintenance
- Product Knowledge
- Customer and Company Relations
A driver’s roles and responsibilities that contribute to a producer’s compliance to federal and provincial safety, environment and transportation acts and regulations are addressed in detail in this course along with the required record keeping and tracking that is mandated.
Concrete Alberta’s Board of Directors supports this Certification Program. It is a way of recognizing the importance of your front line people, the drivers; with a nationally recognized certification.
Program Details
Drivers work at their own pace online, over a period of 60 days to complete the following 5 modules:
- Product Knowledge
- Environmental
- Customer and Company Relations
- Safety
- Vehicle Maintenance & Operations
Concrete Canada's Concrete Delivery Professional Certification Details
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Frequently Asked Questions
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Instructions Once You Have The Course Key
As soon as your method of payment is confirmed and approved, we'll provide your driver with their key to access the program and get started. You will receive the individual course key to sign up and register each student individually as required.
Once the student has registered, they will be notified of their login information and be able to take the course at their own pace. Driver's can pause at anytime during the program and pick up from where they left off when they sign back in to resume their studies.
Concrete Delivery Professional Certification
Online Course - Available Year Round
Register Here